Emeritus Professor

作者:禹城站  更新时间:2022-12-03

     TANG Dengyin

     Former deputy general director of IGSNRR. He is specialist in agro-ecosystem management. He co-promoted the establish of the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN).


XIE Xianqun

     He is a famous agrometeorologist. He has made pioneering contributions to the microclimate of agriculture in the North China Plain.


CHENG Weixin


      Expert in saline land management. He led the team to innovate a new model of saline land management in the lower Yellow River diversion irrigation area.


ZHANG Xingquan

He is the main contributor to the saline land management model in the lower Yellow River diversion irrigation area.


     OUYANG Zhu,ouy@igsnrr.ac.cn

     He is mainly engaged in research on sustainable management of farmland ecosystems, explaining the interrelationship between crop growth processes and environmental elements through field experiments, studying the principles of regulation of water, fertilizer, light, heat and other elements, and establishing a technical system for sustainable management of farmland ecosystems and a model for sustainable development of regional agriculture.

WU Lanfang,     wulf@igsnrr.ac.cn

       She has conducted over 10 scientific research projects, including National Science & Technology Support Program of China, National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China, General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Major Agriculture Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences. She has published 70 papers and 1 book, and has held 5 authorized invention patents.

       For more information at:



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