Pathways to Sustainable Land-Use and Food Systems

所属台站: 河北栾城农田生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站
成果名称: Pathways to Sustainable Land-Use and Food Systems
成果介绍 : This chapter of the 2020 Report of the FABLE Consortium Pathways to Sustainable Land-Use and Food Systems outlines how sustainable food and land-use systems can contribute to raising climate ambition, aligning climate mitigation and biodiversity protection policies, and achieving other sustainable development priorities in China.
本台站所属单位排序: 1
全部完成单位: 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心
全部完成人: 金欣鹏,柏兆海,赵浩,马林
本单位首位完成人排序: 1
填报年度: 2020
最后更新时间: 2021
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